Uferlos (2016)

Uferlos – Poetry of Sight

Kathak has been my existence and identity. To Kathak I have devoted my soul. Even after spending years together it still manages to surprise & allure me. Apart from Kathak another art form that fascinates me is poetry. It has always intrigued me – Its uniqueness & its mystery. On the quest to take my Kathak presentation to a whole new level, I decided to embark on this untrodden journey of combining poetry with my art – Kathak!

Thus, from the love for dance and the fascination for poetry, “Uferlos – poetry of sight” was born. Kathak, though a classical Indian dance from the medieval era, has boundless possibilities and it still appeals to audiences of all generations and backgrounds. Like poetry, it also has universal reach, and plentiful emotions or Angik. This gave me the perception to combine the intricacies of kathak with poetry, both being equally awe inspiring yet offering unimaginable creative freedom. Poetry’s innate pensive and introspective essence brings in a natural peace in the entire production. In today’s fast paced lifestyle; I hope Uferlos will bring in some solace and introspection in the minds of people.

Kathak is visual, rhythmic and kinaesthetic, rich in expressive gestures (ras ,bhava, abhinaya ), hence highly apt in conveying sentiments and emotions. Its classical approach of storytelling combined with its strong essence of taal and laya; gave me the opportunity to effectively interpret my understanding of the poetry that I have used in this production. I have tried to put my best foot forward under the guidance of my mentor, Nritya Siromoni Guru Bandana Sen, who has also choreographed some of the dances in this production herself. This is my third production. I along with my students of “Kathanauki School of Dance”, have tried to attempt a confluence, of poetry and dance through “Uferlos – poetry of sight” while continuing on our goal of propagating Kathak to every corner of this world.

I hope this fusion of Kathak and poetry, with its bundle of passion, our efforts and emotions will help you come closer to these great forms of human expression and explore worlds beyond the mundane.

-Rossana Bandyopadhyay